With warmer weather heading our way, it’s time to get the windows open to let the fresh air in. It’s time for SPRING CLEANING! We know this task is clearly everyone’s favorite…. (just kidding), however a tip or trick to get each task accomplished more easy or more efficiently we are all for.
Try out these Tips & Tricks from our staff and see which work best for you.
Joe MacFawn
Use white vinegar for break down of winter salt. Mix water and vinegar together and depending on the surface, dab or spray with the solution.
Tacky mats at the door are great to clean shoes before entering a home and tracking dust, dirt, allergens and germs into the home.
Have a negative ventilation system installed to control dust.
Anna Shapiro
Baking soda has so many good uses!! – baking soda in boiling water with a crumbled piece of aluminum use to clean silver, – baking soda for grout in bathrooms, – baking soda and vinegar for stains
Use newspaper to wipe windows in the home and/or car for streak free look.
Toothpaste!!! It will make Jewelry shiny, headlights of car looking clear and brand new and fill nail holes. SO MANY GOOD USES!
Olivia Tata
Use old t-shirts as rags. These can be washed and reused which will save you from buying dust cloths that are one time use items.
Lindsey Collier
Make Your Sink Fixtures Gleam With Wax Paper. After sanitizing with an antibacterial cleanser, polish those faucets and tap handles with some wax paper. Not only will this help remove water spots, the wax will help prevent future stains, as well.
Sweep Your Baseboards With a Dryer Sheet. The Dryer sheet will pick up all the unwanted dust, and leave a fresh scent.
Travis Cichocki
Use antimicrobial cleaners – Antimicrobial products kill or slow the spread of microorganisms and keep your home safe.
Kody Davis
Q-Tips are great for cleaning corners that are hard to get.
When cleaning rooms, remember dust settles on things you can’t see. Meaning ceiling fans blades, tops of doors and top of door trims. Don’t not forget these areas and clean them regularly.
Cleaning behind fridges and stoves will keep electrical elements for turning into fire hazards.