By taking the time to create a home inventory list, the process of producing a list of lost or damaged items to your insurance company following property damage will be a lot easier, saving you time. Having a disaster strike your home is scary and stressful enough, and there is no reason you need to take on more emotional distress during this difficult time.
A home inventory is simply a list of everything in your home, how much each item costs and when you bought it. Take photos or video footage of every room from different angles, opening cabinets and closet doors to ensure thorough coverage. Don’t forget important items like electronics, furniture, jewelry, collectibles, etc. In addition to your photo/video footage, write down all of your valuables, room by room. What’s the easiest way to create a home inventory list? There are apps designed to help you do this, or you can use a spreadsheet or a pad of paper. Just be sure to make extra copies, storing one off-site if you will only keep a written copy.
Home Inventory Resources
If you’re new to creating/keeping a home inventory, there are many FREE resources to help guide you.
- Online home inventory resources:
- FDFS Homeowner’s Insurance Toolkit
An expansive 43-page toolkit, including a checklist and essential information for navigating insurance coverage parameters and legalese. - Real Simple Home Inventory Worksheet
A ‘Real Simple’ 8-page guide featuring room-by-room fill-in-the-blank charts for common inventory items. - Take a Home Inventory Printable
This four-page PDF, designed for inventory/moving, is the same one found on other major insurer websites.
- FDFS Homeowner’s Insurance Toolkit
- Software
- Skyware Inventory
Keep track of your valuables with free home inventory software designed to help you and your family. - Neon Sandbox
Tracks item information, offering the unique capacity to add unlimited photos and documents (receipts, appraisals) for each item.
- Skyware Inventory
- Mobile Apps
- iOS
- Sortly
The free version includes space for up to 200 items and built-in checklists to help you get started and stay organized. Available for iOS and Android. - Belongings Home Inventory App
Scan items quickly, syncing with the “Belongings” online app for automatic backup, or exporting to Excel, PDF, or HTML.
- Sortly
- Android
- Encircle Home Inventory
Take inventory pictures by room, syncing with the online app for off-site backup. Enter model/serial numbers to check the value of assets compared to your current insurance coverage. - Magic Home Inventory
Sort your home inventory into 15 categories, taking advantage of unique features such as sunburst chart and advanced search options.
- Encircle Home Inventory
- iOS
Keep It Current
Home inventory is not a ‘one and done’ endeavor – It is important to update your home inventory list at least once a year. You never know when disaster may strike.